Guide: How to Promote your Business on Social Media


A good business idea means nothing without the right marketing. But thankfully, in 2022, we don’t need to invest a huge amount of money in promoting our services or products. We can rely on social media.

With a small business, you may not be able to afford an agency or a consultant, but that doesn’t mean your insta game can’t be powerful. In this guide, we selected a few important tips for better engagement on social media platforms.

Find your audience
You know who your client is, so speak to them. When you post on social media, you can imagine you are talking directly to your customers — and they can even answer!

Choose where to be
There is no need to post everywhere! Focus your effort on platforms where your audience will be. By now, you know Gen Zers love TikTok and business owners are on LinkedIn.

Show what you know
You know your business better than anyone! Don't be afraid to share that knowledge. Value your work explaining the complex things you can do, and let people realize you are an expert.

Follow your competitors
There are many people in your industry on social media. Following them allows you to learn what type of content people like and can help reduce the anxiety of sharing your work.

Share your day
People are curious by nature. Your followers will love to know about your daily work. Use social media to share when you engage with vendors, get new customers, or plan your work.

Create a calendar
Once you have an idea of what to post, you can write everything down and plan when to post it. The algorithm rewards consistency, and soon more people will see your posts.

Let technology help you
You are a busy person! Thankfully, most platforms allow scheduling posts, and you can even monitor if someone talks about your brand. Let technology work for you.

Answer your followers
Social media allows us to connect with each other. Take time to answer your clients' questions, suggestions, praises and complaints. They will be happy to know you value them.

Are you ready to start promoting your business on social media?

Digital marketing can open many doors for small businesses just starting out.

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