Servant Leadership: It’s Not What You Think—It’s Better!

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Servant leadership. Just hearing the term might conjure up images of someone serving tea at a board meeting or being a pushover who lets everyone else run the show. But let’s set the record straight: servant leadership is about leading by serving, yes, but it’s not about being a doormat. Instead, it’s about being the kind of leader who puts people first, empowers their team, and creates an environment where everyone can thrive.

The Misunderstood Role of a Servant Leader

Too often, servant leadership is misunderstood. Some folks think it’s all about being soft, avoiding tough decisions, or giving everyone what they want, no questions asked. Others confuse it with micromanagement, thinking that serving means constantly hovering over your team to make sure they’re okay. Spoiler alert: it’s neither of those things.

In reality, servant leadership is about showing up authentically, with a commitment to your team’s growth and well-being, while still getting the job done. It’s about leading with heart and humor, balancing serious work with a light touch, and knowing when to step back to let others shine. But this kind of leadership requires a deep commitment—not just to your team but to yourself as a leader.

The Servant Leader’s Personal Commitment

If you’re ready to embrace servant leadership, it’s time to make a few commitments—seven, to be exact. These aren’t just promises to your team; they’re pledges to yourself to lead in a way that’s as effective as it is human.


  1. People over Profits (Because Empowered People Lead to Greater Success)
    • Leadership Commitment: I will invest in my team’s growth, well-being, and autonomy, knowing that when they thrive, our success naturally follows. Happy people, happy profits!
  2. Wit over Workload (Because Laughter Is the Ultimate Stress-Buster)
    • Leadership Commitment: I will sprinkle humor into our daily grind, making sure that laughter lightens our load and keeps stress at bay. After all, a chuckle a day keeps burnout away!
  3. Compassion over Competition (Because Kindness Is Contagious)
    • Leadership Commitment: I will choose empathy and collaboration over rivalry, creating an environment where everyone wins. Let’s lift each other up instead of pushing each other down!
  4. Playfulness over Perfection (Because Life’s Too Short to Be Serious All the Time)
    • Leadership Commitment: I will encourage a playful approach to challenges, where mistakes are seen as stepping stones to growth, not stumbling blocks. Let’s have fun while getting things done!
  5. Inspiration over Instruction (Because Creativity Blooms in Freedom)
    • Leadership Commitment: I will lead by inspiring rather than instructing, unlocking creativity and innovation in my team. Let’s turn ideas into reality, not just follow the manual!
  6. Serendipity over Scheduling (Because the Best Moments Are Unplanned)
    • Leadership Commitment: I will allow room for spontaneity and unexpected opportunities, understanding that sometimes the best ideas arrive unannounced. Let’s embrace the magic of the moment!
  7. Curiosity over Consistency (Because Exploration Leads to Evolution)
    • Leadership Commitment: I will nurture a curious mindset, always eager to explore new possibilities and encourage my team to do the same. Let’s grow by asking “what if?” more often.

Wrapping It Up: Servant Leadership in Action

Embracing servant leadership doesn’t mean abandoning structure or letting things slide. It’s about integrating empathy, humor, and a people-first mindset into everything you do. It’s about making these commitments and living them daily, whether in a team meeting, a challenging project, or an unplanned moment of brilliance.

So, the next time someone tells you servant leadership sounds soft, smile and say, “It’s not soft—it’s smart.” Then, go out there and lead with the kind of heart that inspires others to do the same. And don’t forget to laugh along the way—because leadership, like life, is better with a little bit of wit.

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